The fascinating route of Neptune's caves
The Neptune Caves, one of the most wonderful karst formations in Sardinia, are located about 20 kilometres from the city of Alghero and take their name from the god of the sea Neptune.

At the entrance of the caves there is a large room, made unique by the presence of the largest salt lake in Europe with a very particular colour that reflects the colour of the sea.
After passing this first room and after a small descent you reach the Ruins room, whose name derives from the damage caused by visitors.
The next room takes the name of hall of the royal palace with a lake that reflects in all its splendour the beauty of structures similar to columns that can reach dimensions up to 9 metres.
After the Royal Hall follows the Smith Hall with the largest column of the cave similar to the reeds of a large organ.
This stage is followed by a very enchanting room where you have the impression of being inside a dome of a church.
From the dome the roof descends to the hall of the Tulle and the Lace , while the route ends with the Tribune of Music which in the past was the point from which an orchestra welcomed visitors.
The visit lasts 40 minutes.

How to access it
The caves have a very suggestive and particular conformation that make them accessible only with good climatic and marine conditions.
Access can be made by land through a staircase of 654 steps, or by boat by sea departing from the port of Alghero.
How to reach the caves of Neptune on foot
The visit to the caves of Neptune on foot includes a very characteristic route.
You can reach the square of Capo Caccia by private or public transport , which is about half an hour from the center of Alghero, from the square you take the staircase.
--> We recommend a visit in the cooler hours, taking into account the fact that the entire staircase is exposed to the sun and it takes 30 minutes to make the entire route.

How to reach Neptune's caves by boat
Reaching Neptune's caves by boat is a very special experience, both for the particularity of the experience but also for the beautiful landscape that surrounds the caves.
This type of access is only available from April to October.
The departure by boat takes place from the port of Alghero and the crossing time to reach the caves is about 40 minutes
The sailing ticket, 15 euros for adults and 7 euros for children, does not include the entrance to the cave , which is paid directly on site.
--> The choice to reach the caves by boat is advisable when you want to dedicate at least a half day to the visit.

The times of the Caves of Neptune
The cave is accessible from April to November every day from 9 am to 7 pm, the time of the last entry. From November to March every day from 10 am to 3 pm; booking is always mandatory.

On foot or by boat?
The choice to reach and caves on foot or by boat is based on your preferences, however there are pros and cons for both choices.
Reaching the caves on foot is certainly the most tiring solution, it is advisable to follow this road only if you are certain of good physical stamina, the staircase is not an obstacle, but at some hours of the day it remains completely exposed to the sun and consequently even for the most experienced can be tiring.
By boat from a physical point of view it is undoubtedly the simplest choice, it is a very comfortable choice as you get directly to the entrance of the caves.
In this case, however, it will be necessary to deal with the weather conditions and especially the sea, it may happen that you may be forced to cancel the event due to weather conditions; moreover, this solution is also the most expensive from an economic point of view.
Gli orari delle Grotte di Nettuno
La grotta è accessibile da Aprile a Novembre tutti i giorni dalle ore 9 alle 19, orario dell'ultimo ingresso. Da Novembre a Marzo tutti i giorni dalle 10 alle 15;
Scopri come prenotare la tua visita -->
Do you want to discover the Caves of Neptune and all the beauties of north-west Sardinia?
Choose our Bonsai B&B in Alghero for your holiday, thanks to its strategic location you can easily visit all the best attractions in the area.