Where to go to the beach in Sardinia with your dog

North West Sardinia beaches for dogs

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Deciding to go on vacation with our 4-legged friend is a good choice, sometimes mandatory, other times voluntary, but in any case always demanding.

Those who have a dog know how much their efforts and sacrifices will be rewarded by the unconditional affection of their “furry friend”, but if there are already a few burdensome tasks in everyday life, on holiday it is even more complicated.

First of all, for those who have chosen the seaside as their destination, it must be ensured that the facility welcomes the animal.

In addition, there are a number of rules and attentions to be observed both towards the beach, other bathers and the dog itself.

The beach and dog situation in Italy

  1. Go to an equipped beach or lido that admits animals even without having facilities for them
  2. Go to an equipped and dedicated dog beach for accompanied dogs and their owners, with specific facilities for them, against payment of an entrance fee. These beaches are often overcrowded and it is not uncommon for “discussions” to arise between dogs
  3. Go to a free beach where there is no municipal ordinance specifying in the regulations the prohibition of bringing animals, and therefore where, in theory, they could not fine you


Here we recommend some dog-friendly beaches, located in the north-west of the island, allowing you to combine the wonders of the crystal-clear sea with the company of your beloved four-legged friend


Porto Ferro, Sassari

This area falls within the municipality of Sassari, although it is closer to Alghero, and this year it has been enriched with a dog beach.

In fact, the municipality has decided to open a stretch of beach to animals, with a twofold purpose: to combat the phenomena of abandonment and straying animals.

Research has shown that almost 60 per cent of Italians want to travel with their pets, and the Porto Ferro beach joins the many beaches that have opened up to animals, but with a special feature: it is a fairytale beach.

The Porto Ferro dog beach is a stretch of free beach about 60 meters by 6, specially delimited and marked, which our beloved dogs can use together with their owners and/or handlers, from dawn to dusk.

Of course, a regulation is available that imposes some rules to be followed in order not to incur penalties:

  • Only properly registered dogs and clinically healthy dogs may enter the beach.
  • Animals must have a health booklet that proves that they are up to date with vaccinations.
  • Animals must have a collar with an identification tag with the owner's personal data
  • Females may not have access during the heat period
  • Dogs must reach the beach area dedicated to them on a leash up to the entrance of the area
  • Owners must have a leash and muzzle at hand, which become mandatory in the case of aggressive or problematic dogs
  • Furry friends can bathe in the sea area in front of the dog beach
  • The beach is free and therefore there are no dedicated facilities, it will therefore be the owner’s responsibility to create comfort zones with shade, water, food and a towel for drying.
  • Droppings must be removed immediately

These are the basic and easy-to-implement rules for sharing one of the most beautiful seas in Italy with Fido.

Viale I Maggio - Villa Segni, Alghero

4 km from Alghero, reachable by car or bus (it takes just over 10 minutes), there is this splendid beach that has decided to give part of its shoreline to dogs. Alghero, in fact, qualifies as a pet-friendly municipality, an animal-friendly city: the initiative is aimed at facilitating the needs of tourists with animals in tow through services, strategies and initiatives aimed at welcoming them both.

This beach also has a regulation, similar in every respect to the one mentioned above, and this one is also free, so there are no facilities specially designed for quadrupeds.

It will be up to the owner to take care of them and ensure their summer well-being so as not to incur heavy fines.


Farrizza dog Beach, Porto Torres

Farrizza beach is located east of Porto Torres, in the direction of Platamona.

For a couple of years now, this area too has had a beach dedicated to our four-legged friends.

Access to the beach is permitted from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., from the end of June to the end of September, and of course, during the same period, dogs and their owners can enjoy the adjacent sea.

For safety reasons, no more than 5/6 dogs may enter the area at a time, depending on the size of the animal.

The beach is very small, but beautiful.

Again, this is a free beach without services, so it does not have shade, water and lifeguard services.

It will be the responsibility of the handler/owner to create shaded areas and provide fresh water for drinking and showering, strictly without the use of detergents.

Access to the beach must be with the animal kept on a short leash, no longer than 1.5 meters, and the leash, together with a muzzle, become mandatory for dogs with difficult characters or in the event of scuffles between them.

However, clearly aggressive dogs and dogs listed in the registry of challenging dogs drawn up by the relevant local health authority are forbidden to enter.

Owners must be of legal age and in possession of an identity document, otherwise animal and owner must leave the area.

To check that everything is done correctly to ensure the safety of both, there will be the local police, who can issue fines from 100 to 1,000 euros.

Fiume Santo

On the coastline between Porto Torres and Stintino, facing the southern part of the Pilo pond, there is the beautiful Fiume Santo beach, where our four-legged friends can enjoy the sea with their owners and socialize with their peers.

From June 27th to September 30th, in fact, a stretch of beach is accessible to dogs, who can cool off and swim in the sea opposite.

The area is large, about 360 square meters, and is made available from dawn to dusk, thanks to the sensitivity of the municipal administration, which is particularly attentive to the well-being of animals and in particular fights the phenomenon of stray dogs.

Even on this beach, the main rules that we have seen on the others apply: registration with the dog registry office, droppings must be removed immediately, dogs must have a tag identifying their owners and will only have access to the beach if they are equipped with a leash and muzzle.

Dog owners and keepers are always civilly and criminally responsible for any injuries caused by their friend, whether to a human or another animal.

The beach of Fiume Santo is not equipped for dogs, so it is up to the owner to create shaded areas to cool off and give water to his faithful companion.

Sorso, Sassari, descent to the sea 4

The beach of Sorso is characterized by a crystal-clear, emerald-green sea with blue reflections, the seabed is sandy, but slopes rapidly, the sand is soft and dotted with typical vegetation.

Can you imagine a nicer place to share with your dogs, between sea baths and shakes?

This is what Bau Bau Beach was created for: it is an area delimited with perfectly visible stakes, a real pet-friendly zone that is quite large, about 150 meters.

It is a kind of protected area where owners and their dogs (small, medium and large size) can play together, take a bath and enjoy some relaxation.

Access to the area is free of charge, and although it has no special facilities for animals, it is possible to rent beach umbrellas or deckchairs. The only request made to the owners of four-legged friends is to comply with the Bau Bau Beach regulations, which are based on the simple rules of common sense and respect, useful to make the stay pleasant for everyone.

Bau Bau Beach was one of the first centers to open and show attention to this important need, which fits very well with the ideas of the municipal administration and completes and enriches Sorso’s tourist offer.

Marina di Sorso, descent to the sea 5

A few kilometers from Sassari, there is the town of Marina di Sorso, with a 7-kilometer-long beach, bordered by a pine and juniper forest.

White sand and crystal clear sea make this one of the most popular beaches in Sardinia.

It is also frequented by our four-legged friends, since there is a beach area dedicated to them at sea slope 5.

Its characteristics are in all respects similar to those mentioned previously, which then form the basis of common sense and respect: always carry a leash and muzzle with you, the dog must be registered in the canine registry and prove to be in good health, no female dogs during the heat period allowed.

The Dog Beach is not equipped, but a good dog owner will certainly know how to provide water for his or her holiday companion (note the presence of a small drinking fountain, somewhat hidden but visible).

Dog on the beach: what to bring?

  • Fresh water: essential to make him drink, you can buy a small bottle in the many beach bars or bring it from home, contained, if possible, in a thermos that keeps it cold. It is essential to always have plenty of water for our friend to prevent heat stroke or dehydration.
  • Shade: if your four-legged friend is small, he can share the beach umbrella with you, but if he is large, it is a good idea to bring one for him. There are very practical cots on the market with a built-in sunshade, which allow the dog to stay on the beach and dry off more quickly thanks to the net on which he will lie. Equally recommended are the two-pitch canopies that are simply mounted on two poles and four rods, providing a rather large and cool shaded area, since the air is not shielded and offers a more pleasant climate.
  • Bowl: clearly, having a dog, it is useless to explain the importance of the water bowl. But since it can be cumbersome, there are models that, when closed, are flat and can be attached anywhere thanks to snap hooks, so that it is always at hand.
  • Beach towel: you will need more than one, in fact you will need one to let him lie down and prevent him from burning his paws during the hottest hours, one to leave in the car, should the dog come up with his fur still wet.
  • Toilet bags for droppings: there is little to add, good manners do not go on vacation, so just as we promptly collect our friends' souvenirs in the city, even more so on the beach, where people walk barefoot.

Summer tips for dogs and their owners

If it is the first time that Fido has an approach to the sea, he may appear frightened by the waves or the noise on the shoreline and therefore not approach it.

The advice is to take him in your arms, if size allows, and talk to him gently to reassure him.

Day after day, take him to where the water is a little higher, until you let him go, while still being at his side.

Keep in mind that not all dogs like to swim, so if yours proves not to like water, do not insist, but remember to bathe its body and head from time to time to avoid heat stroke.

If, on the other hand, your furry friend likes the sea, care must be taken so that he does not encounter dangerous molluscs, such as urchins or whales, which cause razor-like cuts if they are bumped into. Care must also be taken with rocks, which can be sharp and risk injuring the dog.

When bathing, the owner should make sure that the dog does not drink salt water, which could lead to intestinal or stomach problems due to hypersodiousness.

To avoid this, it is best to let him enter the sea only after he has quenched his thirst, and if he should accidentally ingest water, give him fresh water to drink to dilute the salt concentration.

After a good swim, or paw as you like, and our quadruped wants to get out of the sea, does it need to be dried?

It depends: some breeds tolerate salt perfectly, that will remain on the coat when dry, others, on the contrary, may show signs of discomfort such as itching or burning. In such cases, a rinse with fresh water may alleviate the problem.

Finally, in order not to alienate the umbrella neighbours, it is best to prevent the dog from shaking water at them.

This can be limited by wrapping him in a towel, which also prevents him from rolling around in the sand and getting some in his ears.

Just observe a few simple rules of hygiene and good manners, and your friend's presence will not bother anyone. On the contrary, many people will be happy to see dogs on holiday with their owners, having fun digging holes, scratching their backs on the sand, swimming in the famous “doggy style” and making friends with other four-legged fellows.

If your next destination is Sardinia, the choice is great: travelling with your furry friends is always easier and even comfortable.

Choose the B&B Bonsai Alghero, a dog-friendly facility with dog trainer on request to spend fun hours with your dog.